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Installing Elementary OS 6

The wait is finally over! Elementary OS 6 is out, and wow is it pretty! So first off, there's no direct upgrade path from Elementary OS 5, to 6, so we're going to have to install from scratch, hence be sure to backup everything you need before proceeding with any of these steps, so that you don't loose your data!

Process wise a fresh install of elementary OS 6 is very similar to 5, but here's a quick recap of the steps.

  1. Download the latest version ( ) please do donate if you can, it helps the project a lot, but if you really can't click custom and put 0 in the amount and you'll get it for free.

  2. Once Downloaded, you'll need to create a bootable USB stick. BalenaEtcher ( ) is a great tool to do this. Simply install (works on linux too), put in a blank USB stick, start Etcher and select the elementary OS image that you downloaded earlier as well as the USB drive you're installing on (be careful that you have the right drive as you will overwrite whatever is on it!)

  3. Once finished reboot (remember if you have a joibook like me, you'll need to go into the bios and set the boot device to USB (hold down ESC key while booting, then select boot, boot option #1, then choose your USB stick)

4. On first bootup, As per version 5, I would recommend you select "Try" first rather than installing straight off as you may have to fix a couple of things before going for the full install.

First off, my touchpad was working correctly, with no changes needed (Thank you elementary OS, perhaps this is part of the move away from wayland and onto Xorg). if you do get problems though, refer to my post on installing elementaryOS for troubleshooting tips).

Wifi was still intermittent for me, so the first fix was to get that up and running, this is where I hit the first "Gotcha", my guide for ElementaryOS 5 won't work here, the reason is simple OS 6 has a more modern kernel, and the wifi drivers that I referred to for OS 5 no longer work on the newer kernel, hopefully you won't have that problem, but if you do and use an "ASUS AC53" USB wifi adapter like me then head on over to and get the rtl88x2bu driver (note the x2 instead of 22, follow the same instructions as before to compile the driver, note you'll need the right dev tools, kernel headers, c compilers etc, follow the guide for getting the ASUS AC53 USB wifi working ( ) just ensure you use the rtl88x2bu driver and not rtl8822bu.

Once wifi is up and running ok, go for the install, the rest was fairly straight forward for me, nothing really to call out, enjoy your Elementary OS 6! If using Joibook 150, I'd still recommend you follow the zram post to enable ram compression and increase your ram from 4GB to around 6GB.

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